How To Stop Rushing Through Your Day
It’s happening again. You’re rushing through your morning routine just trying to get everyone out the door on time. Do you kids’ have their backpacks ready? Has the dog been fed?
The Truth Behind Kids Screen Time and Vision
Is screen time really bad for your child's vision? How much is recommended? No parent shaming here, we all do what we need to survive.
Minimizing Decision Fatigue As A Working Woman
Let’s face it- we are all trying to do so much. Build community, run a business, be there for our friends and family, and on and on. So it’s understandable if you are experiencing some burnout or overwhelm. However, you don’t have to stay in that state of overwhelm!
The Importance of Scheduling An Annual Solo Business Retreat
Wouldn't you love time time to deep think? To focus on crafing your vision for yourself and your businesses without being interrupted by text/email, in person by colleagues, staff or your family or by your own desire to fold the laundry?
Who Is In Your Inner Circle? The Importance of Female Friendships
Finding friends as an adult is hard, and keeping them can be even harder. Surrounding yourself with women who inspire and challenge you is critical for your own personal growth..
My Nighttime Routine To Improve Sleep Hygiene and Get Better Rest
Lie in bed anxiously trying to fall asleep as a billion thoughts race through your head? Maybe it’s your to do list for tomorrow, or the email you forgot to send you colleague. Or the text you need to send your sitter so she knows where to pick up your kids. And every minute you lie awake, you think about how much less sleep you’re getting?
Time Management Hacks
Do you feel like your day lacks consistent goal setting and prioritization? Do you ever wonder if you’re spending enough time with your loved ones? In this episode we’re getting into all of the details and how we all need to start managing our time like we do our money.
Learning to Ask For Help (And Accepting It)
Why is asking for help (and then accepting it!) so, so hard? It just is, right?! Well today, I’m going to dive into what I think are the 4 obstacles preventing us from asking for help and accepting it. Then, of course, 4 tips for how we can stop doing that so that we can start to live a better, balanced, life.
What To Know Before Moving To Hawaii
Considering moving to Hawaii? I break it all down right here - the good, the bad, the practical.
Identifying and Scheduling Your Non-Negotiables
If you find yourself feeling too busy for the things that make you feel like you, then something has to change. Let’s start by identifying your non-negotiables and changing your routines to fit these in your schedule.