The Truth About Blue Light Glasses: Do They Really Work?
In this episode of It's Good to See You: Eye Health, Vision Care & More, Dr. Rupa Wong dives deep into the science behind blue light glasses. With so many of us spending hours in front of screens, the popularity of blue light-blocking glasses has soared. But are these glasses truly effective at protecting our eyes and reducing digital eye strain, or are they just another marketing trend? Dr. Rupa explores the latest research, including a landmark study that put these glasses to the test, and provides evidence-based insights on whether they’re worth your investment.

Back to School Vision Check: How To Spot Hidden Eye Problems In Kids
In this episode of It’s Good to See You: Eye Health, Vision Care & More, Dr. Rupa Wong, board certified pediatric ophthalmologist, discusses how parents and teachers can spot early signs of vision problems in children. As kids head back to school, their vision plays a critical role in academic performance and overall well-being. Dr. Rupa breaks down common vision issues, the key warning signs to look for, and the importance of early detection in ensuring your child’s success both in and out of the classroom.

Say Yes To Yourself With A Positive No To Others
Do you find yourself saying yes when you would have preferred saying no? This is a dilemma many working moms can relate to. If you are struggling with how to say no, listen to this episode to learn how I have started saying no in a way that is respectful to the other person and myself.

How To Use Adversity To Build Resilience
Resilience. The ability to bounce back and keep going. The skill we all need if we want to move forward because, lets be honest, we all fail from time to time. In this episode, I'll share 3 practical steps how to start using adversity to build resilience.

Win At Work And At Life With Megan Hyatt Miller
How can you perform at the highest standard possible in all areas of your life? In this episode, we deep dive into achieving your full potential professional and personally and how to get there, defining your high leverage activities that help you achieve results, building a team that helps you multiply your ROI, creating hard stops in your work and life (Megan is done with work every day at 3 pm!).

3 Tips To Avoid Toxic Productivity
Productivity is great. I'm all about it. But it's a problem when you begin overworking at the expense of parts of your life - relationships, family, mental health, sleep and exercise.

Reducing The Mental Load Of Being A Working Woman
The mental load that we as women carry could be a factor keeping women from the C-Suite. Did I buy that birthday present? Am I ready for that meeting tomorrow? What are we having for dinner tonight? Did I forward that email to my assistant? All of these seemingly small decisions that we make throughout the day and that run through our minds as we go about our days could be what is keeping us from living at our full potential.

Minimizing Decision Fatigue As A Working Woman
Let’s face it- we are all trying to do so much. Build community, run a business, be there for our friends and family, and on and on. So it’s understandable if you are experiencing some burnout or overwhelm. However, you don’t have to stay in that state of overwhelm!

Who Is In Your Inner Circle? The Importance of Female Friendships
Finding friends as an adult is hard, and keeping them can be even harder. Surrounding yourself with women who inspire and challenge you is critical for your own personal growth..

Time Management Hacks
Do you feel like your day lacks consistent goal setting and prioritization? Do you ever wonder if you’re spending enough time with your loved ones? In this episode we’re getting into all of the details and how we all need to start managing our time like we do our money.