Embracing Failure
Failure has such a negative connotation for high achieving women. Join host, Dr. Rupa Wong, as she discusses why we need to stop avoiding failure and why we should embrace it instead. She opens up about her own educational and entrepreneurial failures and 4 questions to ask yourself when tackling failure so that you can use it as a foundation for future success.

How To Live Intentionally
Have trouble living in the moment? So do I. My mind is always going 100 miles an hour with things I should be doing, things I'm late doing and things I forgot completely.

The 3 Best (And Hardest) Things About Being the Boss
Many of who who start our own private practices, whether in medicine, psychology, accounting, dentistry (or whatever your field) do not have MBAs or prior training in being a business owner and a boss.

How To Get It All Done - The 80/20 Rule
Yes, I am managing partner for my 3 doctor ophthalmology practice, have 3 kids, serve on 3 non-profit Boards, co-founded a women's medical conference, etc. But....It's not about doing EVERYTHING. It's about doing the right things.

Getting Comfortable With Self Promotion
I'm not talking about self-serving, self-absorbed, self -interested kind of self-promotion.The kind which seems cringey.I'm talking about the simple act of discussing your unique strengths and talents.

Pregnancy Discrimination & Proving People Wrong with Dr. Pam Mehta
There are so many times when we are told we cannot do what we set out to do. When someone throws obstacles our way. Or expects we will fail when faced with a difficult journey. And, that's where being crystal clear on your goals and values is key. Because then you have the drive to overcome these things. I was reminded of all of this when I spoke with one of my BFF earlier this week, Dr. Pamela Mehta. She's an orthopedic surgeon which is a field dominated by men. Only 6% of orthopedic surgeons are women. During her career, she was faced with gender bias and discrimination, and she overcame it to thrive and succeed

3 Tips to Overcoming Your Need to Please Others
Recently I let the vocal minority access to my mental space. I started reading some negative comments one of my social media posts. And, it got me really down. Ultimately, I was able to shake it off and recognize the good I was putting out there, but it prompted a lot of self-reflection about my need to please others. This goes beyond trolls on social media. Those are relatively easy to disregard. The harder act is learning that we don't need to always please those of us who we care about.

How Women Can Negotiate Better
I still remember my first real job after all my training. 4 years college. 4 years of medical school. 4 years of surgical residency. 1 year of surgical fellowship.
Salaries were predetermined according to your post-graduate level for residency and fellowship. But, my first job - that was the first time I was given an offer letter. I had no clue what to do with it. My brother urged me negotiate the salary, but I wasn't sure how.

Family Calendar Organization
It's Back to School time and nothing causes more disorganization in our family than our kids not knowing where they're going or what they're supposed to pack.

Story of an Immigrant Doctor Mom
married for 2 years (they had a "love marriage" different from the stereotypical arranged marriage that most Westerners know about). My dad was working in Kuwait as an electrical engineer and thought that moving to the U.S. was a great next step. My mother had no frame of reference and figured why not. She moved without any immediate family or support.