Choose What You Love
Wonder which direction you should take with your career? Should you choose a path associated with a "better lifestyle" or one you feel passionately about?

Gender Bias in Medicine
The microagressions, the gender -pay disparity,, the emotional and mental toll can be exhausting for women in medicine. Gender bias still exists in medicine, but there is something we can do about it.

My ADHD Study Tips
ADHD doesn’t have to hold you back from academic and professional success. I attended Duke on an academic, merit based scholarship, went on to Cornell Medical school and matched in a pretty competitive specialty (ophthalmology).

Scarcity Mindset in Medicine
A scarcity mindset is one in which you believe that there is only a finite amount of resources and that we must compete to get our share. The field of medicine ingrains this mindset and it takes a conscious shift to move to one centered on abundance.

Pregnancy Discrimination & Proving People Wrong with Dr. Pam Mehta
There are so many times when we are told we cannot do what we set out to do. When someone throws obstacles our way. Or expects we will fail when faced with a difficult journey. And, that's where being crystal clear on your goals and values is key. Because then you have the drive to overcome these things. I was reminded of all of this when I spoke with one of my BFF earlier this week, Dr. Pamela Mehta. She's an orthopedic surgeon which is a field dominated by men. Only 6% of orthopedic surgeons are women. During her career, she was faced with gender bias and discrimination, and she overcame it to thrive and succeed

Story of an Immigrant Doctor Mom
married for 2 years (they had a "love marriage" different from the stereotypical arranged marriage that most Westerners know about). My dad was working in Kuwait as an electrical engineer and thought that moving to the U.S. was a great next step. My mother had no frame of reference and figured why not. She moved without any immediate family or support.