ADHD in Women

ADHD in Women

Is ADHD different for women compared to men? Or is it that we're socialized to clamp down on our ADHD impulses more than men? Psychiatrist, Dr. Sasha Hamdani discusses how ADHD presents in women and why women may be under or even misdiagnosed.

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Changing Jobs Mid Life

Changing Jobs Mid Life

It is  never is too late to transition jobs or yes, even enter graduate school after pursuing other avenues first. Yes I know we are inundated in our society with so many examples of people doing amazing things at young ages. 'Forty Under 40" lists spring to mind. And it can feel so uncomfortable to branch out in a new direction when you are mid life.

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Creating an End of Workday Routine

Creating an End of Workday Routine

I used to have a lot of trouble leaving the office. And, then when I did, since I own my own private practice, even if I wasn't physically at my clinic, I would continue working at night. My laptop open on the dining room table, paying half attention to what my kids were saying - sound familiar?So, the one thing you need to do? Create a work shut down routine. This one small routine will help prevent overwork. Because, there will always be more work to do. You will never be able to finish it all

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