All my favorite eye products in one place.

All Natural Lash Serums.

  • Eye doctor recommended babe lash serum

    Babe Lash

    Contains biotin, B7 (increases strength and decreases breakage in the hair shaft) and has B5 (pantheon). It’s also got almost 11,000 5 star reviews.

  • Twenty/Twenty Lash Serum

    Developed by a female ophthalmologist, this lash serum is all natural and packed with conditioning and hydrating castor oil, argan oil & coconut oil. Use the link below or code WONG25 for 25% off! Safe in pregnancy.

  • Eye doctor approved natural lash serum

    Vegamour Lash Serum

    Full of peptides, mung bean extrach (which is rich in selenium and might play an important role in hair growth. No toxins or hormones.

Eye Makeup.

  • Eye doctor recommended babe lash serum

    Ilia Limitless Mascara

    Gentle for sensitive eyes, this mascara won’t flake, and it avoids harsh chemicals and preservatives that can typically worsen dry eyes.

  • Tartelette Eye Shadow Palette

    My go to eye shadow palette. It’s paraben and phthalate free (important for dry eye sufferers). Bloom in Clay is perfect for those who love neutrals with a warm hue.

  • Eye doctor approved eyeliner

    Victoria Bekham Satin Kajal Eyeliner

    This kajal, or kohl, does not contain lead or harmful ingredients but is still easy to blend like it’s namesake.

Eye Supplements.

  • ophthalmologist approved omega gree

    Omega Three Liquid

    This vegan liquid contains not just omega threes, but also omega six and ALA,. These can be helpful for chronic styes or dry eyes. Great for adults and kids (check with your doctor regarding dosage and alwayd disclose to them what supplements you are on)

  • PreserVision Eye Vitmanins

    One of the original formulations based on the AREDS 2 (Age Related Eye Disease Study) trial studying supplements for macular degeneration. The vitamins have been show to decrease progression in people with existing macular degeneration (not prevent it). Contains lutein, zexanthin, Vit E, Vit C and Zinc

  • Omega Three Capsules

    If you don’t mind taking pills, then this is a simple one. As always, check with your primary care doctor before starting any vitamins or supplements.

Eye Health.

  • two women over 40 wearing luxury reading glasses

    Rupa Readers

    Scerw aging gracefully. Age fearlessly instead

    You're bold, fearless and unapologetically you - your readers should reflect that. We're here to empower women to see the world with strength and confidence. So, you're aver 40?

    Own it with readers that don't need to be hidden

  • Eero

    Mesh wifi that is fast. So how is it eye related? We use this in our home because we can selectively turn off devices or even create automatic shot off times for ourselves or our kids. Read my blog post on why I use Eero (not sponsored). We all know screen time is a leading cause of nearsightedness in kids and this is one way to curb it.

  • ocusoft baby lid wipes recommended by dr rupa

    Ocusoft Lid Wipes

    Don’t let anyone tell your eyelids are dirty again. Blepharitis affects so many and can cause burning, irritation, styes, dry eyes, foreign body sensation, redness and more. These pre moistened towelettes will clean your lashes without burning. Also comes in a baby version for kids.