A New Look
It’s been about 6 or 7 years since I’ve updated my blog and I thought it was high time for a new look. With this new, easier to navigate design, I’m also shifting the focus of my blog slightly. When I started to blog back in 2010, I had a separate personal blog for all my crafty/DIY/kids posts and one for all of the medical posts. Unfortunately, I was using blogspot for my personal blog and I lost all of my photos when Picasa shut down. And, eventually, writing posts for the clinic blog, just began to feel too forced. I realized for me to become passionate about blogging again, the blog would need to reflect who I am.I am a surgeon and physician, but I’m also an entrepreneur, mom, wife and a woman (who loves a good pair of shoes). My love for medicine has grown each year, despite the challenges, and there is truly nothing else I would rather do. Medicine gives me a sense of purpose and allows me to touch the lives of others in such a unique way.
With this expansion of my vision, I find the writing the posts are easier now. I hope I can inspire other working moms, physicians, newly graduated residents with posts about work-life balance, starting your own business and of course, while still retaining medical posts about ophthalmology.
So, if you’re joining for me for the first time - welcome! I’m an ophthalmologist who specializes in pediatric ophthalmology, adult strabismus and cosmetic injectables. I’ve co-authored a book on strabismus surgery with former colleagues and chairman of Harvard Medical School’s Boston Children’s Hospital. I am passionate about advocating for children’s vision and for kids in general.I made the move from Boston to Hawaii almost 10 years and could not be happier now, though it was quite an adjustment after living in New York and Boston. This road has not been easy. Leaving the security of a salaried position at an academic institution with so many mentors who I could always ask for advice was scary. But, being on the other side now, the risks have been worth it. I am now the managing partner, and co-owner of Honolulu Eye Clinic, along with my husband. I would love to share what has been successful for me in med school, residency and private practice, so please comment/ask below!And, last - I know that some might think that I have it all - thriving practice, 3 beautiful kids, a husband who is my true partner in every sense of the word, but I struggle as well.
I certainly never want to create any unrealistic expectations of a Instagram perfect looking life. Life can be messy and difficult and my path was not without hurdles. I hope to share my reality, successes and challenges, with this new blog.